Campbell, CA Treatment Options for Cervical Injury Neck Pain

Cervical Injury Neck pain treatment, Campbell and San Mateo, CA

By Antonio Guillem at Shutterstock

There are a number of different causes for cervical injury neck pain and the symptoms can vary from patient to patient, depending on the exact nature of the injury and their body’s response to it. Here’s a quick look at what your treatment options are for your cervical injury neck pain near Campbell CA.

Cervical Injury Neck Pain Symptoms

Your neck is a part of your spine, referred to as the cervical spine. Injuries to this area can cause a wide range of painful and functional symptoms which can, in turn, have a strong impact on your ability to deal with daily life.
These symptoms can include:

  • Tingling sensations
  • Weakness and numbness in your neck, shoulders, arms and hands
  • Issues with forming or maintaining a grip
  • Shooting pain down your arms
  • Problems lifting objects
  • Problems with balance
  • Walking and overall coordination
  • Issues with bladder or bowel control

Cervical Injury Neck Pain Causes

What causes these problems? Though injuries caused by car, sport and work accidents are often the first to be considered, there are a number of other causes of cervical injury neck pain.

Herniated discs and degenerative disc disease are two issues that can cause neck pain. Poor posture, spinal tumors, infections, fibromyalgia and even emotional stress can cause you to unconsciously tighten muscles around the problem areas, leading to cervical injury neck pain as the muscles begin the spasm.

Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available to effectively deal with your neck pain.

Cervical Injury Neck Pain Treatment

In Campbell, CA, we offer a wide range of treatment options to help you get to the bottom of your cervical injury neck pain and get back to life as normal. Cervical injury neck pain treatment can involve the following:

  • Spinal decompression gently stretches and rehydrates your discs and neck muscles, allowing you to regain motion.
  • Physiotherapy uses electric muscle stimulation and cool laser therapy to improve healing without causing painful inflammation.
  • Inter-segmental mobilization uses chiropractic techniques to move the joints and muscles in a safe, measured fashion, improving motion in the neck.
  • Nutritional support helps you to improve your disc health through a well-balanced diet, reducing your recovery time as much as possible.
  • Exercise rehabilitation or physical therapy helps improve your neck’s muscles and structure, providing more natural support to lower your pain levels and prevent re-injury in the future.

Neck pain from a cervical injury can be intense and because of its location, can have a strong impact on your lifestyle and wellbeing. Instead of tolerating this pain or limiting your activities, why not undergo treatment to relieve your pain and get back to normal?

If you are suffering from cervical injury neck pain in Campbell or San Mateo, CA, contact Bay Area Disc Centers for a consultation appointment. You can reach us at either (408) 866-0300 (Campbell) or (650) 375-2545 (San Mateo)!