Lose Weight with ChiroThin
With the holiday season about halfway over, many people are starting to look ahead to 2021. For many people, a new year holds the promise of a clean slate and a fresh start. According to a survey by YouGov in 2019, 48% of people who make New Year’s resolutions that year wanted to lose weight. In fact, weight loss is frequently the most popular goal people set for themselves at the New Year. Unfortunately, most of those resolutions go unattained. The reason is that people rarely create a sustainable plan to achieve their goal. If you are looking for a safe, sustainable weight loss plan to help you reach your goals, we are here to help with our ChiroThin program.
What Is ChiroThin?
ChiroThin is a doctor-supervised program for weight loss and weight management. Unlike the many fad diets making the rounds, this program is based on the 4 gold standards of sustainable weight loss: dietary modification, behavior change, nutritional supplementation, and exercise (where appropriate). There are no shakes, drugs, stimulants, or surgery needed for this program. It also doesn’t rely on cutting out entire food groups or loading up on one macro over others. Instead, ChiroThin encourages patients to eat a healthy, balanced diet.
ChiroThin is Doctor-Supervised for Safety
Everyone has heard this phrase in diet pill or shake commercials: “consult your doctor before starting this or any diet”. Unfortunately, consumers rarely take this disclaimer seriously, but it is very important. Having proper doctor supervision while participating in a weight loss plan makes all the difference for your safety and your success. A doctor supervises all ChiroThin patients every step of the way. We pre-screen patients for any possible complications, contra-indications with medications, or factors that could hinder your success. Then, we monitor your progress regularly and are available to answer any questions and concerns. We even have a re-feeding component to the program, which helps the patient transition to a normal, healthy diet.
Nutritional Support
ChiroThin combines supplement support with specific blends and ratios of low glycemic and anti-inflammatory foods. Our nutritional support formula is designed to aid your body in a few ways: blood sugar stabilization, hunger and craving suppression, and mild body detoxification. The ingredients in this formula are known to aid in fatty acid transportation and metabolism. This allows the body to more effectively metabolize fat. Then, the body can use it as energy when you burn more calories than you consume over a specific time period.
Program Specifics and Results
ChiroThin is a 42 day program. Based on a 573 participant study, patients lose an average of 8.82 lbs the first week and 24.6 lbs in 6 weeks. They lose an average of 20 inches over the course of the program. These averages are calculated from a higher average for men (11.05 and 30 lbs respectively) and a lower one for women (7.99 and 22.4 lbs respectively). The average size reduction is across the board. The study found ChiroThin to be an effective treatment and showed a strong association between the intervention, weight loss, and body size reduction.
Reach Your Goals with Bay Area Disc Center
We see patients every day who suffer from back pain and other chronic conditions exacerbated by excess weight. Weight loss isn’t only about aesthetics, it’s also about feeling good and helping your body function properly. Our ChiroThin program can put you on the road to a healthier weight and a healthier lifestyle. Call us today to start your weight loss journey!